Positive Pregnancy & Perfect Birth Program


A combination of Hypnotherapy & Holistic Therapies. This program will help you to break through any fears of childbirth you may have, help to bring you calmness and clarity, especially is you have suffered a miscarriage prior to this pregancy.


Congratulations of the forthcoming birth of your baby!

Starting on Month four of your pregnancy, then one session a month until baby arrives!

A combination of Hypnotherapy & Holistic Therapies. This program will help you to break through any fears of childbirth you may have, help to bring you calmness and clarity, especially is you have suffered a miscarriage prior to this pregnancy.

We will see you once a month until baby is born. Let us guide you with ease throughout this exciting time. Jacquelyn Haley is also a certified Doula (a non medical midwife) FREE MP3 Recordings of each session to take away.