Right been thinking how I wright this but I. Going to back last may I made a big mistake coward some people call it I say not a cowards just couldn’t see any other way out and I attempted suicide being bullied and discriminated by a murdered took its tool and didbt even think of my kids. So after coming out of hospital I had a inbox from this amazing lady Jacquelyn Haley who asked me to go and see her and she will try and help me I thought fuck it why not I’ve tried everything else that the nhs and Gps said so I went to see jacquelyn and I had my last session yesterday and I have learnt so much how to handle stressful situations how to deal with my past which wasnt nice growing up I went there with so many emotions and seeds that’s had built up all the years of not showing how inwas feeling this lady as give me hope for my future shes not fixed me but shes made me me and taught me how to like myself to be me jacquelyn from the bottom of my heart thank you for reaching out to help me I know you stopped working with males for your own reasons but you reaching out to help me just didht save me from living a life off depression but you have made me feel so much happier than I have ever felt I have peace in myself and happiness and it can only get better with the techniques you taught me thank you xxxxx — with Jacquelyn Haley.
Paul Neale